8 Answers

Shirley Seah 佘宝婷
Hi Mr Ong,

Kindly list down the details of your unit so i can recommend it to my client. You may like to contact me at 9278 7000  or shirleyseah27@gmail.com
Thanks! Read More
Hi Mr Ong I do Have Potential tenants for that area please do let me have more details on the Shophse thanks 93299559  or sgpropertyguy@gmail.com Read More
Johnny Goh Mui Huat
Hi Mr Ong,

I do have some ready tenant in hand, might be able to swing over.

Please contact me to provide more detail.

Thanks and Regards
Johnny Goh
Dennis Wee Realty Pte Ltd
Group Director
Mobile: 90906267 
Email: johnnygohmh@dwg.com.sg
Website: johnnygohproperty.com Read More
Hi Mr Ong

Please do contact me to provide more details so that I can move on to assist you in getting a good tenants.

Thanks and with warmest regards

Ethan Ang
C&H Properties
 97690125  Read More
Helen Lew 劉桂花
Hi Mr Ong,

Do provide details of your unit so that I can furnished to the potential tenants.

Thanks & regards
Helen Lew
m: 90039677 
e: helenlew@live.com.sg
Huttons Asia Pte Ltd Read More

Regard to your question. Why not you just drop me an email at ot1984pierre@gmail.com or Contact me @ +65 8 2 7 9 8 3 2 7

Welcome owner/Landlord to list through us

Questions ..
Mortgage Calculations
Repayment Calculations
Difference Between HDB n Bank Loans
Home or renovation Loans
Property Tax
hdb resale checklist
Getting a BTO Flat
Getting a licensed contractor hdb
Tenancy Agreement For renting or rent out a house
home insurance coverage - HDB Fire Insurance
What is OTP ?


Bless n Warm Regards

Koh Z H
hp- 8 2 7 9 8 3 2 7
Cea Reg - License Number - R 0 5 7 8 1 0 C
Orangetee - L 3 0 0 9 2 5 0 K

All welcome Read More

"If you need more assistance with property matters:

like renting / selling, buying / or investing, I'm here to help!

WhatsApp me at >>9856 9255 or through this link.:https://wa.me/6598569255.

(Unfortunately, this platform doesn't allow direct contact, but you can easily reach me )

You can check out my reviews here: https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/agent/able-s-k-toh-61591.

For buyers, I offer solutions for sourcing resale and new private homes at no charge.

I can connect you with reputable bankers for private housing loans free of charge and with no obligation.

I also have partners to assist with mortgage home insurance matters.

Let's seal this affinity by technology; please PM me your contact for assistance with your real estate needs. So, I believe in Affinity (Chinese word: 缘份) :), let's SEAL this AFFINITY Not by blood but by Technology > Please PM, Private Message your contact so that I CAN BE (EXTRA) PAIR OF HANDS / BRAIN and LEGS to Assist you NOW or FUTURE REAL ESTATE NEEDS!

*** You can reach me at my Singapore mobile: (+65)>>9856 9255>> or email me at Able.selling@gmail.com.

From: ABLE Toh- Your Property ASSISTANT :)

“ i am ABLE to Help As Much As You are ABLE To PM (Private Message) me ”


"If you need more assistance with property matters:

like renting / selling, buying / or investing, I'm here to help!

WhatsApp me at >>9856 9255 or through this link.:https://wa.me/6598569255.

(Unfortunately, this platform doesn't allow direct contact, but you can easily reach me )

You can check out my reviews here: https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/agent/able-s-k-toh-61591.

For buyers, I offer solutions for sourcing resale and new private homes at no charge.

I can connect you with reputable bankers for private housing loans free of charge and with no obligation.

I also have partners to assist with mortgage home insurance matters.

Let's seal this affinity by technology; please PM me your contact for assistance with your real estate needs. So, I believe in Affinity (Chinese word: 缘份) :), let's SEAL this AFFINITY Not by blood but by Technology > Please PM, Private Message your contact so that I CAN BE (EXTRA) PAIR OF HANDS / BRAIN and LEGS to Assist you NOW or FUTURE REAL ESTATE NEEDS!

*** You can reach me at my Singapore mobile: (+65)>>9856 9255>> or email me at Able.selling@gmail.com.

From: ABLE Toh- Your Property ASSISTANT :)

“ i am ABLE to Help As Much As You are ABLE To PM (Private Message) me ”