6 Answers

Hi Jacqueline,

I have a space at Pearl Centre, near Outram Park MRT that is for rent. Would you like to consider?
560 sqft, asking $2600. Rectangular shape with no pillars, #04 beside escalator. If you are keen, drop me a call or sms @ 96574024  .

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All welcome Read More

"If you need more assistance with property matters:

like renting / selling, buying / or investing, I'm here to help!

WhatsApp me at >>9856 9255 or through this link.:https://wa.me/6598569255.

(Unfortunately, this platform doesn't allow direct contact, but you can easily reach me )

You can check out my reviews here: https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/agent/able-s-k-toh-61591.

For buyers, I offer solutions for sourcing resale and new private homes at no charge.

I can connect you with reputable bankers for private housing loans free of charge and with no obligation.

I also have partners to assist with mortgage home insurance matters.

Let's seal this affinity by technology; please PM me your contact for assistance with your real estate needs. So, I believe in Affinity (Chinese word: 缘份) :), let's SEAL this AFFINITY Not by blood but by Technology > Please PM, Private Message your contact so that I CAN BE (EXTRA) PAIR OF HANDS / BRAIN and LEGS to Assist you NOW or FUTURE REAL ESTATE NEEDS!

*** You can reach me at my Singapore mobile: (+65)>>9856 9255>> or email me at Able.selling@gmail.com.

From: ABLE Toh- Your Property ASSISTANT :)

“ i am ABLE to Help As Much As You are ABLE To PM (Private Message) me ”


"If you need more assistance with property matters:

like renting / selling, buying / or investing, I'm here to help!

WhatsApp me at >>9856 9255 or through this link.:https://wa.me/6598569255.

(Unfortunately, this platform doesn't allow direct contact, but you can easily reach me )

You can check out my reviews here: https://www.propertyguru.com.sg/agent/able-s-k-toh-61591.

For buyers, I offer solutions for sourcing resale and new private homes at no charge.

I can connect you with reputable bankers for private housing loans free of charge and with no obligation.

I also have partners to assist with mortgage home insurance matters.

Let's seal this affinity by technology; please PM me your contact for assistance with your real estate needs. So, I believe in Affinity (Chinese word: 缘份) :), let's SEAL this AFFINITY Not by blood but by Technology > Please PM, Private Message your contact so that I CAN BE (EXTRA) PAIR OF HANDS / BRAIN and LEGS to Assist you NOW or FUTURE REAL ESTATE NEEDS!

*** You can reach me at my Singapore mobile: (+65)>>9856 9255>> or email me at Able.selling@gmail.com.

From: ABLE Toh- Your Property ASSISTANT :)

“ i am ABLE to Help As Much As You are ABLE To PM (Private Message) me ”

Mani Subramanian Veeramani
Hi there,

- For an education business, Domain Centre and Crescendo Building are both excellent choices with good accessibility.
- Shop spaces along the road can provide great visibility and foot traffic, which is beneficial for your business.
- Consider the layout and amenities of each option to ensure they meet your needs.

Thank you.

Family realtor solved 1000+ property problems,
- Mani Subramanian Veeramani
Social Media Tags: /AskRealtorMani @AskRealtorMani #AskRealtorMani
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PS: Here is the list of Below Market Value Properties
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