Crystal Time Building is a commercial property located 16, Tannery lane, 347778 in District 13. Crystal Time Building is primarily used for Light Industrial (B1) rental and sale. Crystal Time Building is close to Potong Pasir MRT Station (NE10) and Aljunied MRT Station (EW9). It is near to several bus stops located at Gulab Building – 70109, opposite Gulab Building – 70101 and at Kenwood – 70361.
Amenities near Crystal Time Building
Crystal Time Building is near to several eateries located at nearby buildings such as Food Court at Tannery Lane and Dolphin’s Restaurant at Everich Industrial Building.
Crystal Time Building is within reasonable distance to NTUC Fairprice Supermarket. It is also close to NEX Mall for an array of amenities such as grocery and retail shopping, banks and more.
Crystal Time Building is accessible via MacPherson Road, Aljunied Road and Pan Island Expressway.
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